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Info About Jaros
Joined: 04-06-2019
Last Visit: 04-17-2019, 08:11 AM
Time Spent Online: 3 Hours, 30 Minutes, 17 Seconds
Points: 15
Profile Views465
Location: United States
Bio: I had a pretty tough upcoming, but made it past thick and thin and decided to do my best to remain positive. I now try to make everyone's life better with meeting me then without it, and I try to make any place or thing im a part of for the better! I am very active and reply to anyone who needs me, and I overall try to do my best to be a good person and approachable. I attempt to make friends with anyone I meet, although if I need to be serious, I can be and I wont attempt to have biased opinions. Overall anyone can talk to me, and ill do my best to help or keep company! Thanks for reading and I hope we become good friends, or better if we are!
Gender: Male
Votes: +0 / -0 (NAN%)
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SteamID 64 www.steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198299380406
SteamRep www.steamrep.com/profiles/76561198299380406

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