James Pete Powers
Status: Offline

Info About James Pete Powers
Joined: 08-05-2018
Last Visit: 06-14-2022, 12:56 PM
Time Spent Online: 5 Days, 6 Hours, 47 Minutes
Points: 395
Profile Views992
Location: United States
Bio: Howdy, my names Jacob, but you may know me in-game by my middle name, James( Pete Powers). I'm currently a junior in University and love having conversations with most people. My interests include history, computers, and e-sports. Feel free to add me on discord as I'm usually playing other games when I'm not on the server(Hearthstone, League, CSGO, not fortnite, etc . . .) I really enjoy rping and can usually be found teaching when I'm on the server; so if you ever need help, I'll always be happy to answer any questions or get into any rp shenanigans! I have weird hours, but I'm mainly on the server between 2am to 8am CST.
Gender: Male
Votes: +2 / -1 (66.7%)
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SteamID 32 STEAM_0:1:73840553
SteamID 64 www.steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198107946835
SteamRep www.steamrep.com/profiles/76561198107946835

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