Dr cinnamon toast
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Info About Dr cinnamon toast
Joined: 05-12-2021
Last Visit: 05-22-2022, 11:09 PM
Time Spent Online: 16 Hours, 26 Minutes, 8 Seconds
Points: 200
Profile Views610
Location: your mother
Bio: Heyo! people call me Henry, Toast or William. You can call me either or. I am trying to improve on a lot so if I do something wrong let me know. The only way for me to learn is if you bring it up to me. Now I may argue and I do apologize but I try not to argue. When I do its mainly so I can make more sense of the current situation.

I have been a part of the SBS community for about four years and I went through many triumphs and failures, and strengths and defeats but I have learned and I am still learning, apologies for any inconvenience I cause. I am hoping I can make it to three years before I bite the big one, eh?

anyways that's enough of me rambling.

"If your squad is without an NCO, ask for one. Marines need a leader and CPL is no leader, not yet." - LT Vess
Gender: Male
Votes: +9 / -15 (37.5%)
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