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Info About Drakovinch
Joined: 08-24-2018
Last Visit: 08-19-2019, 02:35 AM
Time Spent Online: 5 Hours, 44 Minutes, 29 Seconds
Points: 15
Profile Views794
Location: Singapore
Bio: Name: Drakovinch Lumino
Age: -Classified-
Wand: Alder wood, 8 3/4 inch, Dragon Core
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Family Affiliation: Lumino Family.

A young boy with a unique understanding of magic, born in the Lumino family. He was studying in Hogwarts, sorted into Hufflepuff. He was excelling in class and have exceeded expectations for his understanding of magical theories. When the ministry heard the news of this young boy, he was immediately offered to join the Department of Mysteries as an intern. There, he learned all sorts of advanced magical theories which, some, he helped to refine with his own understanding. He even volunteered to be the subject of certain experiments.

The event of a special experiment caused this young mind to break. In the attempt to harness and amplify one's magical powers, caused this young boy to berserk. The experiment succeeded. It made this young boy even more powerful than ever. So much so, he could change his form at will without the need of polyjuice potion. He could even perform unfathomable magic but it also broke his mind. The ministry had no choice but to furnish a special blindfold to counteract the experiment's results.
Gender: Male
Votes: +0 / -0 (NAN%)
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