Academic Classes

Spell Classes
  • Incantations
  • Counters to Sorcery
  • Art of Spellcasting
Homework Classes
  • Astrology
  • Botany
  • Ancient Magicks
  • Mythology
  • Shapeshifting
Nonmandatory Classes
  • Clashing League
  • Potions
  • Recreation
  • Interlude
  • Assembly
  • Lock Down

Basic Classroom Rules:
The following rules if broken are subject to detainment.
1.) You are to sit down and wait for instruction.
2.) Any disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
3.) Any attempts to skip class are met with detainment.
4.) You may leave class at 120 seconds. An instructor may dismiss their class early at 180 seconds through Telemail, but they themselves may not leave the class until the next period.
5.) Students are not required to be in class if there is no teacher.

Clashing League Rules:
1.) You must have an instructor present conducting the clash to participate.
2.) You must not stand in the battle area unless you are chosen to do so.
3.) You are only permitted to use spells in which the instructor has allowed you to use.

Interlude Rules:
1.) You are free to do as you wish.
2.) You can organize a Clashing League session only if an instructor is present and is conducting an orderly clash.
3.) You may freely practice spells within the special room against the dummies or each other as long as you do not kill your opponent.

Assembly Rules:
1.) You as the Starbright Dean may dismiss this class at any time.

Lock Down Rules:
1.) All students and enforcers should be in their dorms during this time unless a staff member says otherwise. It is too dangerous for scholars.
2.) All Void are allowed to attack the castle and attempt to kill scholars and instructors.
3.) All Void or neutral jobs are NOT allowed to enter the dorms. If scholars are permitted to fight, the former mentioned are NOT allowed to camp the spawning areas.
4.) If a Void is seen before 550 seconds the following class, they may be KOS'd.

Recreation Rules:
1.) To be decided