*Staff have final say whether a name is RP valid or not. Upon leaving a name sit with a proper name and should a user revert their name to an improper one, the user may be banned without being brought to another sit.

PLEASE NOTE: If you were denied a name by a staff member but you believe that you should be allowed the name, you may make a name appeal in “Name Appeals” under the Ban Appeal section explaining why you should be allowed to keep your name. The acting server manager will either accept or deny the appeal. Their word is final.

If staff tells you no to a name and a rule isn't listed here, LISTEN TO THE STAFF.

General name rules:

1.) Names must be within the ISO Latin alphabet with the exception to the hyphen, "-", or apostrophe, " ' ", character.
2.) Names must be 35 characters or less.
3.) Names must have at minimum a first and last name. Middle initials are allowed. Refer to below for single name rules.
4.) Names are permitted a suffix (Jr., Sr., III) as long as it fits into a proper roleplay and is not excessive. E.g. The following are not allowed: a student named John Smith Sr. (students wouldn't be parents), or someone named John Smith VVVVVVVVVV.
5.) Lore names may only be used while playing as that respective lore character. Once you switch off of the job, you must change your name to something else. E.g. You may only use the name "Hercules" while playing as the VIP Hercules job.
6.) You may not spontaneously change your name to something similar to a large group of players. E.g. A mass recruitment of Chads for the sole purpose of causing chaos, mayhem, or loopholing is not permitted.
7.) Make sure to Capitalize the first letter in your First and Last name. E.g. ( Do not say sarah walker, instead say Sarah Walker.)

VIP name rules:
1.) Permitted either a middle initial or the full middle name.
2.) Permitted a title which may be up to two words in length while remaining roleplay appropriate. (Royalty titles are not permitted).
3.) Permitted the last name of a lore character. This only applies to their last name--if you're wanting their full name, you must switch to that respective job.
4.) Permitted a single name with a title on a student job.
5.) Permitted to join two last names together with a hyphen, "-".
6.) In further clarification an example would be 3 names with and a title consisting of 2 words
7.) Name duplication is permitted with the follow up of different name. Ex. Don Don Dragon, Tom Tom Derek

Single name rules:
1.) An Instructor may use the title 'Professor' or 'Instructor' with their last name; Instructor Smith, Professor Smith.
2.) An adult may use a title assigned by a Gamemaker or rewarded through an event; Champion Justin.
*3.) A student with a specific role; Enforcer John, Head Enforcer Sue. **VIP only**
4.) A creature or pet who only has one name; [redacted].

Name examples not permitted:
1.) Derogatory or discriminatory language within your name.
2.) Famous or political names; Donald Trump, Lil Wayne, Soda Poppin.
3.) Impersonating or using a variation of a notable user or staff member; Astrew Nouva.
4.) Using memes within your name.
5.) Sexual or crude name; Ben Dover, Anita Cawk, Heywood Jablomi.
6.) Play on words/pun/innuendo; Ove Erthere, Phuc N. Stupid, Helen Back.
7.) An object or place that is not recognized as a legitimate name; Telephone Pole, Freemont Street, Taj Mahal.
8.) Random nonsense.
9.) Repetition of names. Ex Jake Jake, Sam Sam.