(Galaxy of Magic Gamemaker)
Status: Offline

Info About Sibyl
Joined: 07-13-2018
Last Visit: 07-19-2023, 03:04 AM
Time Spent Online: 5 Months, 1 Week, 1 Day
Points: 2395
Profile Views6100
Location: California
Bio: Hi! My name is Sibyl Meadows.

Sometimes people can't say my name right and call me Silby, or Sibly, or Syllable, or Symbol, or Sivil, or Simple, or Sibby, or even just Sib, so those or anything that sounds similar is fine!

I really like listening to music and anything horror, whether it be games, books, movies or shows.

I'm also part of the Nova, Lionheart, Sanguis, Aeternalis, Dragon and Allman families. But that's too many names to use on the server so you'll mostly see me with just Meadows.

I started playing on Hogwarts RP in September 2016.

And if you ever have a question or need help with anything, just send me a message. I'd love to help!
Gender: Female
Votes: +296 / -26 (91.9%)
Wizards Unite: 0
Discord: Sibyl#3391
Social Club: Quietmeadow
Twitch: 1
Blizzard: Meadow#11930
EA: Quietmeadow
Forum Admin
Galaxy of Magic Gamemaker
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SteamID 64

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