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Info About MasonLiuvic
Joined: 03-21-2020
Last Visit: 03-28-2020, 12:39 PM
Time Spent Online: 4 Hours, 46 Minutes, 43 Seconds
Points: 30
Profile Views469
Location: US
Bio: You bet when I prefect there is going to be prejudice equality, no one is gonna get leeway with me because that's how I have fun with the role by following the rules :)

Personally I don't like anyone from the UK (British linage), they are egotards that have no value for anything in life. It's probably why they are a minority in their own country TBH not even their own people want them. I can't wait to see how they're going to disappear in a few centuries. This doesn't affect how I RP in any way just want to put that out there before you think anything that comes out of your randomized teeth anatomy mouth would mean anything to me.

I am probably the most hated prefect alive. 34 sittings on me in only three days, good thing i know the rules enough to not be abused by some ape student that babbles nonsense about my role and some max prestige monkey that whines because i made them face detention for the first time in two years so they make a grudge on me for days trying to get payback lmao *cough cough* jerry *cough* segj *barf * damon. how i be confronting a stupid max prestige vip students that break FP, PTS, or skipping class.

Gender: Male
Votes: +0 / -0 (NAN%)
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